Individual or Couples Psychedelic Facilitation

Preparation, Facilitation, and Integration

Connect, Recharge and Gain Insight


Psychedelics will change your world, if you let them. You have heard the phrase, “Be the change you want to see.” and this is why I have my motto be “Start With Yourself”.

Psychedelic-assisted therapy aims to identify and resolve the root causes of disconnection, working by creating a mind-opening effect through the psychedelics that allows access to deeper levels of insight and healing. Although more research is required, existing evidence suggests that combining a psychedelic experience with coaching can lead to lasting changes and benefits.

In the most basic sense, integration is a loose set of strategies designed to help people glean insights from their psychedelic experiences. For those using entheogens intentionally, integration aims to use these cosmic downloads as tools for growth and healing. It’s an aspect of psychedelic use and culture that’s often overlooked, even though it’s arguably more important than the trip itself. It’s when transformation begins to set in.

Integrative work generally happens post-trip and can involve meditation, journaling, yoga, mindfulness techniques, swimming, spending time in nature, or listening to the music you heard during the experience. There is no set integrative formula—it’s not a one-size-fits-all process. Why? Because you are unique, and so is your psychedelic experience. Everyone has different intentions and needs, too. So, for integration to be effective, the process must be tailored to the individual, your experience, and your goals. 

Psychedelic research has had a renaissance over the past decade. As a result, many are rising from the underground to help people interested in exploring the power of “conscious tripping” process their experiences. The umbrella of psychedelic therapy encompasses several different types of services, including integration.

Working with someone who’s well acquainted with the psychedelic experience—rather than a conventional clinician—is crucial to making progress on the journey of integration. Through conscious movement, journaling or other intentional practices, an experienced psychedelic integration therapist helps you recall what happened during their hallucinatory excursion. That’s when—and how—the magic happens.

Keep in mind that while the psychedelic revival is exciting, these powerful substances aren’t for everyone. But, if psychedelics are compatible with your life, it’s worth dropping into the depths of your soul via integration—after the hallucinatory effects wear off, of course. Processing the experience is when the journey of knowing yourself truly begins.


  1. Initial Consultation (zoom, phone, or in-person) to discern your main goals and intent
  2. Discussion around which medicine is best and dosage
  3. Detailed PDF emailed to start Preparation Phase
  4. Follow-up phone call for questions and set date, time and location
  5. Facilitation of Healing Experience happens
  6. Follow-up written assignments (optional)
  7. Follow-up phone, zoom or in-person integration calls 


This total process takes 10-12 hours and fee includes medicine.


Please reach out if you have any questions. I have an amazing team of providers that offer all types of Psychedelic Medicine.


If you are ready to move forward, you can pay here:

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