You’re a a Pioneer, a Warrior & a Visionary! To understand the traits of a person who lives their life from the Wood Element in Chinese Medicine, you first must think about trees and how they “are” in the world. First is that they are always growing and tend to compete aggressively with the other trees around them and become steadfast and solid in the process.
As far as personality traits, Wood Element types tend to be what we call “Type A” and do extremely well under pressured love challenges of all kinds. You are competitive by nature and love to be original. You don’t like to stay stuck, as Wood types love to be growing and moving in the world.
Spring is the associated season of the Wood Element and represents new beginnings. This is the beautiful part of your personality as you are always seeing new possibilities.
Some issues that could arise as you have a strong sense of purpose but can become driven and stressed when you are out of balance. This means that Wood Types can be irritable, frustrated and impatient. One of the easiest ways to recognize this in yourself is if you “. This means your Liver Qi is not flowing.
You may suffer health problems such as PMS, high blood pressure, tight muscles and headaches. When you are stressed, we have seen Wood Types turn alcohol or other unhealthy habits.
Some Gentle Suggestions:
When you feel stubborn or notice that you are becoming inflexible, try knocking on your ribs (I teach this in my online Qi Gong classes) or try a Tao Yin class to do Meridian Stretching.
Take time to play and “smell the roses”. Pick up a musical instrument or get in nature.
The organ most associated with the Wood Type is the Liver so I strongly suggest avoiding alcohol when you are stressed and/or out of balance and you could include sour foods in your diet to stimulate the liver. It’s best to do Liver cleanse (see my website for details) to support your Liver, the detoxification organ. If you find it hard to make decisions, it’s most likely your Gall Bladder, the paired organ of the Liver for the Wood Element. Stay away from a high fat diet is a good place to start.
This is just the surface. If you want to go deeper with learning more of how to take care of yourself, please either book a consult or take one of my classes and continue your path to wellness!
Now that you know your Element…
When you understand the place where you live your life from, you can use this clarity
to create deeply satisfying relationships in all areas of your life.